ДжаФорум 4 383 Опубликовано: 7 июня, 2018 To growa certain number of plants, use larger number of seeds (some may not germinate). You need 2 sponges for washing dishes. Keep sponges evenly wetted with water. Water should not drip from the sponges. Seeds should be wet too. Excess water prevents the seed from getting oxygen. Put seeds between the sponges. Put sponges with seeds in a bag and tie the opening. After 24-48 hours, the seeds should germinate. Some seeds do not germinate. It is because they absorbed a lot of calcium. You can try to cut off the tip of the seed and then use the usual soaking. It will deliver water inside. Take the seed with the fingers of your left hand and gently cut it. Another option: if you look at the seed, you will see a rough seam on one side - like a "ridge". If you remove it, you will let the seeds to escape from the shell. Take the seed with your figures and use a sharp blade to scrape the "ridge" off. It will come off very easily. Be extremely careful. When the sprout appears, do touch it. Everything will be fine, just be patient. You need to keep warm temperature. The sprouted seeds should be put in the soil for further cultivation. You can use small pots (a trimmed plastic bottle). When the seedling is strong, put it into a large pot after 5-7 days. Take a large spoon, dig into a soil 5-7cm deep and pick up the plant to put it into a larger pot. Water it. You can plant seeds into special small peat pots. The main advantage of using peat pots: seedlings are planted in the soil together with a pot. It preserves the root system of the plant, the pot of peat decomposes in the soil and serves as fertilizer. The plants grow better. Vegetative Stage Once the seed germinated and rooted, the vegetative stage begins. During the vegetative stage, cannabis plants grow in height, width, producing leaves. You can see sex of your plants (male/female) on the 3rd-6th week, when plants are ready for flowering. We recommend giving you plants 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness (18/6) during vegetative growth. During the flowering stage you need to switch to 12/12 mode. How to determine gender of your plants? Each cannabis plant has its own sex (male or female). Female cannabis plants produce more THC and that’s why they are preferable. Female plants need to be pollinated. If the flowers are not pollinated, then more and more flowers appear and you have sensemiliaplant. To get high-quality sensemila, you must destroy all male plants. Cut off the stems near the ground. You can use dried leaves of male plants. They are psychoactive. Female plants have flowers in the form of a pear, from which grow pistils. Often female plants do not show pistils before flowering. Male plants have flowers like "balls". If you are not sure of the signs, than wait a while and make sure that the pestles do not appear, and the balls begin to form bunches. Hermaphrodite is a plant of the both sex. It shows the sex signs of female and male plants. In most cases, a female plant will develop male flowers, or vice versa. Sometimes male flowers will appear during the last days of flowering of female plants. Hermaphrodites are generally considered bad. Firstly, they will release pollen and destroy the harvest. Secondly, they produce no seeds, since the hermaphrodite parents tend to transfer their properties to the offspring. Flowering period We recommend 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness (18/6) during the vegetative stage. More that 14 hours of light will support the vegetative stage. In order for the plant to bloom, you need to switch 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. After switching to the 12/12, it takes at least two weeks before the flowering begins. During the first 2-3 weeks, the plant grows 2-3 times and emits a strong aroma. The duration of flowering to the full maturation depends on the variety (Indica: ~ 6-8 weeks, Sativa: ~ 8-12 weeks). Some hybrid plants that have combined characteristics of indica and sativa have different flowering stage. 12/12 - standard lighting mode for flowering. If you add one or two hours to light (13/11 or 14/10), the flowering stage will accordingly increase by 10-15%. The harvest will be bigger but the stuff will loose some flavor. Do not experiment with a cycle that is not 24 hours. Changes in light - one day 17 hours, the next 19 hours, etc. –will cause stress for plants. Do not turn on the light during the night in the grow box and do not increase the duration of the light time of the day after the beginning of flowering. It can cause appearance of hermaphrodites. There is an opinion that outdoors cannabisdo not bloom during the full moon, we advice to keep your grow box dark. The darker: the better! More light is the common cause of the hermaphrodism of plants. Админ отвечает на сообщение с 10:00 до 15:00 ПН-ПТ (так что не обижайтесь если я не отвечаю) Telegram Grow Chat Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах
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